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If you make dedicated panels for enemy info and such, there is a detail that I would like:  The order and initiative of battle participants.  That would make it easier to know whether healing spells would "reach" the target in time, and maybe allow for some battles to be designed around the speed of particular enemy actions.

Feel bit of a doofus about missing the information options in the general menu area.  The detail about enabling/disabling ally abilities is good to know, and should help with avoiding some disasters.


You're not a doofus for missing the menu additions - in the updated opening I just added a special message about that, cuz I don't think it's stated ingame. UI is not my strong suit, so I make improvements to it based on stuff exactly like this. It's actually very helpful!

Yes, initiative order is something that I do intend to show when I get there, it may or may not make it into this update but I will try to get it in by the next at latest. Honestly, I'd love to have little icons for everyone to help make it easier, but again, UI is an eternal work in progress haha.


Question:  after delivering Ina, I was given a two-week deadline.  Is it genuine? 

I want to build more rapport with Samantha and friends, but not sure whether there would be consequences.  Already wrapped up the Vila, so I can't proceed further with the quest.

This might count as a GUI thing, if stuff like a quest log is implemented.


No hard ingame deadline, it's just a lore thing. I'm trying to stick to SOMEWHAT realistic timelines for things happening for lore stuff, but not at the cost of putting the player in a position where they have to do X in Y time.

You can make friends (and waifus) freely!