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Only that they do not credit me with any derivatives that are made from it.

You can enforce that using a software license but that honestly is a trademark issue. The reason for credit to the original being enforced in all licenses but 0BSD because those licenses work via copyright which has to have a know author. 0BSD works via public domain. A different approach might be one which forces to highlight what changed. A really strong copyleftish license which does kinda that is the license. If you got the trademark route apache license might be interesting.


I see video games and especially my games a work of art. So I'm probably going to go with CC0 Public Domain again. The more I start reading into different copy-lefts or copyrights, it becomes more of a headache. Thanks for the info by the way.

Lawyers seem to treat code in a special way. Don’t ask me why. The analog of CC0 for code is 0BSD.