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Spectacular game, really!

The movement mechanics are very fluid and the color palette is simply beautiful.

It took me a while to realise there is infinite jump, at first I thought I was walljumping :P

shame that it doesn't save your progress :( 

This is where I got after ~2 hours of playing, but I closed it afterwards and didn't get to try out the unlockable characters.

Great work, good luck with Ducksoup Dungeon 2!

Wow, you're good. I've been grinding every day for a week and my highest is 29.


Thanks, though I rely mostly on spamming attacks (especially when slow motion kicks in). Also, you can essentially hover in place while attacking downwards, which is a good way to clear out enemy stacks. 


Yup, I'm using the same tactics ;) Slashchicken is the only useable character for later levels in my opinion. If Bonerat can't get his bone back, he's as good as dead.