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(2 edits) (+1)

Confronting the slavers and helping out the saughain diplomat and her escorts, I chose to help the diplomat fend them off. Metatron's pic was there during the 2 part fight, like "OK, I'm gonna watch and make sure things go well" Apparently that spot is a little bugged or something; Metatron's pic was still there even though I was fighting with Ina. "shrug" EDIT to add something, Metatron's pic is staying put, even after the events. Talking with Ina and talking with Ashley resulted in Ina/Ashley in front and Metatron in the back. Metatron's snooping!! Talking to Metatron did get rid of the pic though, so...glitch?

Regarding the aftermath, that was REALLY well done. The MC is questioning everything about the fight, like "did I do the right thing? Did I just mess up? I don't know..." because up to that point, it's been fighting creatures and the fight against other humans has him wondering if he's really cut out for this hero business. Like, he may have known there's evil humans out there but actually having to fight them and the attitude of "head slaver" causes him to question things. But hey, if I'm getting healed by a saughain guard that I met 25 minutes before because I was protecting the diplomat, I'm sure it's the right path!

I dunno if you tweaked the writing for it or not, but the Maya headpats was super funny, like "this is a mistake because it just feels soooooooooo right" Maya may have wanted something else, but the headpat (especially with Metatron as companion!) was great fun! 

Metatron thing is a bug I've '''fixed''' three times now, but I think it's actually for real fixed this time, probably...

I'm glad you enjoyed the aftermath! Yeah, a lot of the earlygame was fairly breezy in that regard, fighting obviously 'evil' and usually unintelligent creatures. The Hobs were an uncertain middle ground, but the slavers is the first time you can just straight up murder someone. Even if he deserves it. I see it as the first major step towards figuring out what a 'hero' is for the MC, being forced to confront the reality that it's not just fighting monsters.

Maya headpats is always the way, she may be a little goof but especially with her new art she deserves many pats!