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This is really nice. Cleaning up the forest was so satisfying and the art and animations are gorgeous. Great job on this. I was a little confused about the goal; I thought I was trying to pick up all the trash but had a couple pieces left that had no garbage cans to throw them into. I eventually realized that I could still finish by collecting all the acorns though which was nice. Also on the right of the map I noticed some things I could interact with that would multiply, what were those out of curiosity?

Regardless, great job on this game folks. My game is linked below if you want to check it out.

It's a pleasure to read such a complex review. Yes, at the end we thought goal may be confused. Also I was forced to add some cans because sometimes you have no trash to fill those garbage cans. Great job to fill all of them! And you have found our Cabbage. It does nothing but exisiting as our signature as a GasC team :)