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Yep, already using this. It helps a bit but it's still too much for whatever reason. Anyway thanks I'll find a workaround maybe on the next project !

I look forward for Alice in Boardland updates.

(3 edits)

I've also changed "Max Simultaneous Compiles.web" to 4 and "Shader Cache Size (MB).web" to 512. All under GLES 3 settings. I had some issues with the default settings of these two. Everything else is either set to default or shouldn't matter when it comes to stuttering. You might want to try that.

Edit. Be careful with "trimesh colision sibling" as a collision shape. I recently made a mistake and addded only few of them - they were touching each other. It absolutely destroyed performance on the html version and had no impact on the .exe version. Changed them to "single convex" collisions to eliminate the problem.