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Raithza, GORN is such a blast. This has become one of my goto titles when I introduce people to VR. It's also some of the most fun I've had with the Vive yet. I ran into a bizzare issue yesterday, just wondering if you can shed some light.

I had a friend playing the game for the first time, and while playing two things occurred I've never noticed before:

1) At one point, there was a floating console window open above one of the hands with some text written to it. After dying, the transparent console box disappeared.
2) While completing the bow&arrow tutorial round, something caused the entire game to become pixelated, and it stayed that way. I exit GORN and the SteamVR menus are clear and work normally. When I relaunch the game and look at the TV display (not the HMD) the game and text are all blurry/pixelated.

Any ideas as to what might of happened here? Is there a button combination that causes this? Thanks again for all of your hard work!

The first issue is due you pressed the menu button (the one upper the big circle).

Was it pixelated in the VR view or just the window? I have no idea tbh!