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Ohh that's quite the progress you made! Since the visual novel/game is in its early stages you don't need to rush too much as you haven't had the necessary assets you need, so it's okay to take your time to create each asset especially since you're doing this all by yourself (seriously, what a champ) so I think it'd be best if you take your time with the assets and then kinda rush importing them all and doing your wizardy magic with it! (can you tell I've never developed a game or know how to code T^T). Either way, take a break for your own sanity since the real world won't wait for you so it'd be best to prioritize it~! Take care and stay safe!

Aw thank you! Ill def take a break if I need it, but right now Im having so much fun working on it~! 😊✨️ But thank you for your concern!