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On the import menu, i can navigate and select the .png but can't seem to import it? is it missing the button or is there a key i have to press to import the png image?  Thanks.

No problem.

FontSprite supports png files with a certain name format.

The format is as follows:


so a font with the name hello and a pixel size of 10 x 12 per character would be


There are a number of default fonts to play with in the fonts folder

Let me know how you get on, or any other questions you need help with :)

(1 edit)

that's fine, just unsure how to load it as the current sprite font set. I see no 'open' or any other button  - Nevermind, just reread what you wrote. It works

Deleted 5 years ago
(3 edits)

i save myfont32x16.png   (256x128,   8x8 fonts).  Importing it creats a 16x8. Try to edit it and it crashes. Also tried 8x8 fonts - myfont8x8.png and it crashes trying to edit it.  **UPDATE crashing is due to i was exporting as Grayscale instead of RGB.

brilliant that you got it working, and the information about the greyscale crash is great to hear - I can work on a fix for that for you. I can also look at supporting direct name png which will internally convert to the correct sizes.

I'll keep you posted :)