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I wouldn't worry too much about disgust - while it will be pretty prevalent, characters that are more... used to things will develop a taste for it, and won't be as disgusted. You'll also be able to, like the Catamite perk, be able to tailor your character to be like that from the get-go.

Getting the enemies supine will be easier as the interface gets a bit more transparent and you can use Perception to tell how unstable and tired they currently are, and you'll be able to manipulate that better as we add more skills and make upgrading skills have more of an outsized effect (knockdown, for instance, increasing in knockdown capabilities).

Right now, getting enemies to sex you isn't as effective (and health-preserving) a strategy as quickly handicapping the enemy with strong attacks - this will change as more skills are introduced and new enemy routines and enemies having particular responses to sexual activities. The big combat rebalance still hasn't taken place, and the goal of that is to make it so that burning an enemy down fast and hard isn't often the best go-to strategy.