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This is an excellent entry. wow. I love the core mechanic of whacking enemies and collecting their resources, then using those resources to craft your upgrades. I didn't make it through the whole game but I gave it a good 30 minute playthrough. Some random feedback:

1. The mechanics were overall super tight. Except for the wall jump... I found the wall jump painful to use :( Everything else was on-point.

2. The bomb throwing was sooooo annoying since the bombs would always roll away from the target. Consider making them not roll at all unless there's a good reason to make them.

3. For a while I was confused why I couldn't build anything with my infinite supply of crabshells and other resources. I eventually realized that I need to find recipes and put them to use. It would've been AMAZING to let me craft something as part of the tutorial and not only after getting lost for a while. I almost gave up until my first successful crafting.

4. I'd love there to be a use for all these extra resources I'm collecting. It seems like their only purpose was to build up the core abilities to continue advancing. I'm just sayin' I had a LOT of crabshells I wish I could use for something.

5. The audio distortion under water was an excellent touch :) Nice.

And that's that --- Great game!

(1 edit) (+3)

I concur with this review/feedback haha. The character design and animations were wonderful as well!