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Sorry about that:( This game is definitely intended to be played with a game pad as I indicated in the description but I knew I had to include keyboard controls because not everyone would have a game pad. I’m gonna try and push another build today and if I do I’ll add both z and x so people can choose but I still suspect it’ll be a pretty rough experience for anyone who plays on keyboard.


NP . a lot of players on this site use laptop  keyboards for control s which is seen as old school and ive added many comments about really odd layouts being used !

look at ori and shallow night for how to do it  :)

Gotcha! Uploaded another build and added z and x for dash based on your feedback.  Was able to add a little more polish as well.  It is unfortunately a download only now though.  It was just too big (or too poorly programmed haha) to be a WEBGL game and was crashing for multiple users.