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Hey, got a couple questions:

1. What would you recommend for battlebacks in rpgmaker with this?  The enemies are relatively small so I'm assuming they're supposed to be in a line across the middle of the battles screen (assuming a front view), but I'm not quite sure if any of the default battlebacks would look good with that.

2. I don't want to make a game about kid characters, and so it's hard to tell, are the default hero ones i.e. the ones with sv_battlers adults or kids?


1. They'd work best in a side view setup; for battle backgrounds I normally make them by making maps out of the tiles and usIng that as an image.

2. I imagined them as teenagers; you can use them however you want!


Ooh, that battleback sounds like a good idea.  Incidentally tho I'm going front view so that all the characters can potentially be usable in combat, so I was initially thinking of the battlebacks in terms of like Earthbound or something.  But yeah, some battlebacks made of key map locations sound like just the thing.