My SINCEREST apologies about the megs! I wanted to make the new tracks have seamless transitions; however, I forgot to reconvert it from .WAV back to .mp3. That’s why its file size is abnormally larger than usual: it’s solely because of the music! I was going to fix it in an upcoming patch along with the release of a demo for the next title in the series; however, since it’s now brought up, I’m going to try to make a file reduction patch as soon as possible!
As for alternatives for the installer version. Right now, there is a fully accessible browser version of OviVixen Arcade on Newgrounds with a working scoreboard as well. Also, the (demo) version of the next game is going to be browser as well: both here and Newgrounds but only latter is going to have a scoreboard and achievements. The full version, however, is going to be part of the BIG update patch for this program. “Portable archived versions”, you mean mobile app ports? Maybe someday, but first I want to complete the collection before I ever think about porting it to other places.