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There are 3 areas in the 0.124 version right? because i cant pass through any dor or get that blue egg

Exiting the house (first area) requires thinking outside the box ;)

If I be honest, I had difficulty finding out "Is that spring moveable?!" because for some reason during my first playthrough, it wasn't movable even with Conney who removed bondage

I should have added some clues (like skid marks under the spring) before releasing it.

Yea but it is past story anyways.

But when you are planning something similar for your current project. I think bound Conney being able to move the object even slightly when touched will help indicate certain objects are moveable. Or have some sort of signal to it as it seems there is gonna be no "Grab and move' like feature. Indicators like cuphead where all Parry-able objects are light emitting pink objects could also work depending on colour scheme you are going for.