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Heya! I'm so happy that you're enjoying this game :D

The "silver" medals are actually hidden platinum ones that usually require you to break the normal game in some way to achieve. I just went back and checked my dev notes, there are 15 in the whole game. They don't do anything special and still count as gold medals too, so you're all good :)

There is a subtle tell to which levels have a platinum time. I'm happy to spoil it for you if you like (nobody's ever asked before haha)

Ooh that sounds interesting :) I think I would like to first go and try to find as many of them myself as possible. I'll let you know how many I've found!

Good luck! :D

Hi! It's been a while but after playing on and off I've completed stages 1-99 including gold medals finally :) I've only found 7 platinum medals so far, in stages 23, 26, 42, 63, 68, 74 and 98. Could you give me a hint on the subtle tell you mentioned? I would like to see if I can get the rest of them!

I'm so happy you're still enjoying the game! You might be one of the first people who are actually going after everything :) The subtle tell is the exit gate only has platinum (grayscale) particles coming from it.  Since you haven't gotten it yet in 04, you can see an example of it there. Once you achieve platinum, it'll go back to normal rainbow particles, so you can just put the level on loop mode and keep trying.