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I played the demo and recorded a video for it on my channel. Needless to say, I was impressed! Not only is the demo pretty polished, you guys nailed native DualShock 4 support (it is the best controller, imo)!

I plan on getting the game when it gets funded and fully release! With there being a two player, I do want to test that out as well. Is the two player online or local only?

Thanks! Although a matter of personal preference, I share the opinion that DS4 is the best controller for this game, because I personally prefer playing 2D games with the dpad, and the DS4 has the dpad in a more prominent position.

It will be local only. We will try to support services like parsec for peers with very low latency, but ideally you would play this together on the couch.

That's cool!

Ah, local couch co-op.  Just thought I'd ask! Keep up the good work! :D