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Character unlocks are cool yeah. In games like this I tend to be intrinsically motivated to explore the dungeon and get as far as possible. An end goal could be good, and maybe optional objectives during the run. For example, a magic penny could spawn that can be thrown for a small amount of damage, or maybe it has a charm effect. But if you throw that penny in a fountain that might appear, that unlocks something or gives you a boon. Idk tho just a random idea. I don't think you should compromise the simplicity/accessibility of the game in service of new mechanics unless they are significant improvements.

you have some good points the penny/fountain idea wouldnt be that hard to implement, i can already picture the logic in my head. you are also right about not compromising the simplicity of the game thats why i though a rpg leveling system would be a good fit as i doubt anyone would have an trouble understanding it


Leveling would be cool, esp if A) levels don't persist between runs and B) the levels give you perk options that you choose between. Eg: level up! Pick one: Rage (when you take damage, closest enemy takes that damage too) or Geologic (when you find a rock, gain +2 rocks). Etc