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That was great! Thanks Tench! You're really fun to watch (subbed :) ). 

Damn, sorry about the mouse issues, I have no idea. I coded in some mouse acceleration, maybe that is ill-advised if your mouse is like... doing its own and... doubling it up? It seemed like it was fine most of the time, but then the frame-rate would have a hitch, and the mouse accel. would massively over-compensate by flipping you. Shit. Sorry. Options to turn off the mouse accel. and the mo-blur, I think is called for.

That's interesting about the capped footage... all I can think of is I put "grain" post-proc on the image... which would tend to foil some vid compression schemes.

'Apse', man. Yeah, I think this fox's language is probably waaaay too ornate for a lil beastie... : )