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Great game! The graphics and ambiance are very good, the voices and intro cutscene are a nice addition! I love the atmosphere, but the game seems a bit too hard : starting with only 2 bullets is rough, when I feel like the core gameplay is about shooting stuff x).

The controls feel a bit strange, but I got used to it pretty quickly. There are come little collision bugs, but hey, it's a 7-days jam game, it's already amazing that you could do so much in such a short time! 

Overall, it's a pretty good game, and I would be curious to play an updated version, to see where you can bring this game =)!

Thanks a lot for trying it out :) We are already working on many improvements and updates :)

Please check it out after the latest update. We've made some changes :)

Thank you for pinging me =)!  I'll try it ^^!

I tested it again a couple of times ! It seems less buggy (i couldn't go through walls ^^), and I don't know if you've made some map changes or if I've been unlucky with the spawn points during the jam, but I had no troubles finding safehouses and ammo this time ^^. The map also seems more detailed and complete, but again, maybe I spawn in a better looking locations than during the jam?

The minimap is a great addition (I think it is ? I don't remember it, sorry if it was the case) and helps a lot =)! I think this is why I was not lost =).

If you plan to continue to improve it, here are some little nitpicks I would love to see fixed =) :

  • I would have liked some outline on health packs and ammo, it's not really obvious they are interactable (mostly ammo in fact, I understood the healthpack well, but not the ammo ^^')
  • The NPCs seems sometimes a bit reluctant to follow me. Sometimes it's because they are afraid of nearby monsters, but sometimes... I don't know. Maybe only one NPC can follow me at a time, but I lost it and now, nobody else can follow me?
  • It seems impossible to kill an enemy that is attacking an NPC without killing the NPC with it ^^'.

I really enjoyed playing it again, keep up the good work =).