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Why does this game have LGBT tag? I don't remember this game to have any LGBT elements. Is this subtle way to imply that there will be romance between Searina and Illi?


illi was in love with ezel and wanted to be with her. but yeah it's also left open for illi and searina to develop into something after the true ending.

Wow, really? I thought that Ezel was a dear and very close friend for Illi, but not a love interest.


i guess when a girl says "i love her" everyone assumes it's friendship. sorry that it wasn't more clear, ezel devoured a bunch of demons who were in love with her so really illi was just next in line, though she thought ezel's affection was real, that's why she struggles with it so much in the true end path.

(3 edits)

"i guess when a girl says "i love her" everyone assumes it's friendship." (FACEPALM) Oh, stupid me. It was long time ago when I played KAIMA, so probably I missed this part. =)

"ezel devoured a bunch of demons who were in love" Wait, I thought she ate her loyal followers, basically cultists (I mean there was personality cult of her. Although you could argue that they loved her, although it would be non-romantic love).


the followers thing is pretty vague yeah but it can be all kinds of love. maybe ezel had a sex cult lol

i think a lot of things in this game in particular were left a little abstract--if i rewrote it nowadays i'd probably be more explicit/add more detail to flesh things out and give a clearer picture of what was in my head haha