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Hello, hi! Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm definitely looking forward to improve and this helps so much!

The game has three endings so you did got all of them.

About the writing, is the main thing I'm putting effort into atm cause english is not my first language and I don't have people to review it, but i'm correcting stuff based on feedback of the players etc.

The Mysterious person aparishion (along with some other characters) is something that I'm developing for a future project., so they're more like an easter egg (kinda?) thing. 

Again, thankyou so much for your feedback! Means a lot to me and helps me find where to improve. 


I think if the mysterious person had less of a role, it'd feel more like an easter egg. Rather, I'd say they were a somewhat large part of the story, as one of the games was cut short due to them. and hearing nothing more about them felt like I was missing out on somewhat important information. Also, I wouldn't mind proofreading the game's text sometime next week when I get some free time ^^ I'm one of those weird people that enjoys that kinda stuff lol


That proofreading would be of great help, thank you!

I'm going to think more about the mysterious person participations in the games. Knowing how people see and feel about them is important for my project. I'm glad you shared you opinion.