Hey there! Thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate it!
First of all, I want to assure you that my hiatus is nothing to worry about-- folks who know my work outside of this game know I am uh, incredibly good at releasing things. Like you said, I've just had my hands full with a game that's about 4 times as large as this game, so it's taken me a hot second to get done. Once that game is done, I plan to work on the next three Lee games in concession, so hopefully there won't be nearly as much wait time there and THIS TIME I'll have a small team of folks to help me, so ideally all the next Lee's games can be even bigger and better. (Though, no too much bigger.)
Beracus being trans and a lot more about his identity will come up in the next game, as well as some very... tense stuff with Lee. There's a lot to dig in there and the game truly is about their dynamic, while a small amount of other characters come in to play off that. I think if you liked the direction of this first game-- you'll like the direction of the next 3! Though, as a warning, not everything about everything will be revealed in total clarity. *hee hee*
Again, thanks so much for your comment and thanks in advance for your patience with the next game! It's coming, I promise-- but I gotta make sure I don't hurt myself on the way there! 😂