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This game is really bizarre. In a way I liked.

Hand of the Goddess is like a fever dream. A very unique fever dream, one where it is easy to keep playing to see where it goes.

The pacing is off, on purpose. It's like suddenly you keep being thrust forward far into the story, in a way that is off putting. It's an emotional journey where the character must tackle their inner demons, which formed from a traumatic upbringing.

The battles were few, but each meant something. They might be too challenging for some, but I thought they were well crafted. I particularly really enjoyed how the main character used 'self harm' to attack the foes, and his crush would need to heal him. It is explained later on in the game, but long before that I got it and thought it was very very clever.

The game is so raw that it's almost uncomfortable. Which is EXACTLY my thing and style. I don't know if this will piss off the dev or not, but it's something I personally got from Earthbound/Mother 3. No, it's not quirky or modern. No, it does not have the Earthbound sprite style. But it has this weird raw cutting honesty that shows the developer is not afraid to hold back in the slightest.

The game plays well and even though the battles are hard, it's very well constructed. That said, I don't think it's for everyone. It's a very unique experience, one where you always feel uneasy and semi on the edge.

The message of it all seems very personal. It all meant something. Not one ounce of filler or wasted space in this experience. It captured the essence of IGMC better than most I've seen so far. A complete RPG journey within an hour time limit, using clever pacing choices.

Very good job with this one. Keep up the great work.


Thank you, I appreciate this as someone that enjoyed A Ghostly Rose!

And yeah, that's what I mean by saying this was a Drakengard inspired game. Drakengard/Nier is also a very raw and honest series along the likes of MOTHER, though with a much darker bent.