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Today's short afternoon spurt of work was less about programming, and more about preparing and collecting assets I needed.

I recruited a friend to be a voice actor, and prepared his script. Hopefully we'll get his part recorded soon. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon downloading and editing a bunch of creative commons audio samples of background static, making sure I have enough variety in how they sound. Then loading them into Audacity, and taking screenshots of the waveforms.

Now I need to go into the GIMP and clean up those screenshots, to be able to display and scroll the waveforms across the screen when the player clicks on an area.

The fun thing about a jam like this is that I spend more time "getting something working" instead of polishing everything. In this case, when it reaches the end of my waveform graphic, it jumps a bit when starting over. For a more polished game, I'd spend some time trying to make that transition work right. Not here (at least, not yet!). Move on, and get more done!