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(2 edits)

Interesting zelda inspired game, the NPCs have personality and from what I had got to play so far, I liked the various weapons which provided a metroidvania-like progression. It did seem a bit hard to dodge ranged attacks at close range, maybe some indicator they are about to shoot would be useful. Also with the edges of the each area, there are many parts where it is looked like open space to walk through but it was blocked by a tree etc on the other side. You can't see until you walk up to it, there were also parts where the map was just blocked off but looked like there was an opening. Might be better just to show the visible barriers within the players FOV. Also I wasn't able to move getting stuck on the left stump at the second boss, had to restart but realised the checkpoints were not save points, maybe something to check out too but great effort so far.