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You ok? sorry if It seemed like I was trying to rush the update, was just excited for it.

Yeah, it wasn't released on the date it was shown. But honestly? I don't really care- if there's something that I really hate, it's games being rushed. If the creator's seeing this, take your time! It's perfectly OK if you didn't reach the dead line in time. I'm honestly willing to wait years for a good fan game (like Midnight Mercenaries fe).

You should probably just fill us in next time if such a thing has occurred if it's gonna take a bit.

Thaks mate


Yes guys, I'm fine don't worry, there were some inconveniences that even I didn't expect, to be honest I was also excited for the launch but oh boy.

At the time of exporting there were dozens of nonsense errors, and to top it off I had no internet that day :p

At this point the game is completely stable and I'm making improvements to certain things. 

So you guys will know when the game is fully released and playable. 


You're good, was just a bit worried.