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Bruddha Gromby

A member registered Jun 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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It thinks steam is a virus.

It's nice to see you're still working on this


adding to this, could you possibly add invinicible frames? getting stun locked is really easy and you can basically get one hit in wave mode if enough of them are on you.

Look, this is just my opinion, but its only been 3 weeks. I am not saying you shouldnt update, but dont overwork yourself.

(1 edit)

I don't see this as needing an update, but if you do make an update, one where you fight puro as the final boss would be fun, and then it gives a few more endings, where you get to decide to kill puro or not.

do you have winrar?

this was really worth the wait, something i will definitely play again in the future.

how did you shoot the shotgun, i just beat everything to death with it

i just finished the game this was very fun game i like gameing

dear neptun

You're good, was just a bit worried.

You ok? sorry if It seemed like I was trying to rush the update, was just excited for it.

get it cause mario (like the mario combat)

guess what day it is guys

yooooo this is epic. can't wait for the update, and thanks for working so hard on this.


so excited for the update that for a week i've been checking up every day for it xd

turn the game into like devil may cry 5 xd

holy fucking crap

damn as a joke i wanted to release a video called "Changed: Berserk WR" because i didnt think ANYONE would speedrun this.

as someone who thought of mario combat as one of my favorite flash games i've ever played, i really like this. i think the only thing that could be better is an english translation, even if its broken, and like a fucking gun or something.

holy fuck new update soon