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I remember when I played the original version of this game and loved it so much. Now I see the remake, and I love it just as much!! The new sprites are so pretty and I liked the bounciness in them (lol). I was able to get the different endings this time around as well, and oh my gosh did I love the cgs. There were a few spelling mistakes (like "viles" instead of "vials") but it didn't take anything away from the actual game. Incredible game from you, as usual!


Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it :D I do try to use a spellchecker, but sometimes it misses words/ I forget to use it unfortunately :'( There are many words that I only know by sound, and then I have to guess how they are spelled, and I guess vials was one of them :'D 


The meaning was still there, so it's understandable. You do an incredible job of phonetically spelling words to be honest :D