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A member registered Aug 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh my god this game was such a thrill. Gorgeous artwork first of all. And a really compelling story. I deeply enjoyed the characters and their dynamics as well the horror. I can't believe I didn't play this earlier!

this was a really fun experience!! I like how she starts off but then becomes more snarky/fourth-wall-breaky over time. Amazing game and gorgeous art.

incredible design, I very much liked this game!! the atmosphere was fantastic and the ending definitely left me with chills.

got a combo of green, blue, and purple. Fun, the cool colour spectrum! Can't wait to see more :)

just played through all of the endings and oh my god i think i shed tears for each of them! this story was short but (bitter)sweet. a really good depiction of grief; I hope the main character finds a way to heal from their loss. fantastic game!

very cool demo! I replayed about 4 times to see the variations in dialogue/choices. I like the load function and changing costumes; the art and graphics are so cute! I really enjoyed this concept and the voice acting was nice. Can't wait to see this game fully fleshed out! I'll be looking forward to the full release.

The meaning was still there, so it's understandable. You do an incredible job of phonetically spelling words to be honest :D

I remember when I played the original version of this game and loved it so much. Now I see the remake, and I love it just as much!! The new sprites are so pretty and I liked the bounciness in them (lol). I was able to get the different endings this time around as well, and oh my gosh did I love the cgs. There were a few spelling mistakes (like "viles" instead of "vials") but it didn't take anything away from the actual game. Incredible game from you, as usual!

I really loved this game oh man. I felt the realness of the dynamic between the boys. The difference in generations and experience, the humour, the love. Absolutely fantastic. This was an amazing exhibit of emotions. Much love :)

that's impressive ahah. Truffles are godsend for me

Simple but pretty fun. I like that there's very little build-up (which I dread in these types of text based games). Despite a few spelling errors, I understood it all :P and I got all endings woo

Fantastic! I really liked reading through this. The story was very interesting and the end threw me for a loop!

really cute graphics and super fun! my time was 11:41.25.

really fun but I also think the movement was very difficult! other than that, cool arcade game.

It took me quite a few tries to finally beat this, but everlasting truffle, weird sacrifice, scythe, and the practice dummy really helped me with the final boss!! Really fun game, I loved the visuals and the gameplay. Absolutely incredible.

This was so cute ahahha I loved all of the dialogue and the humour was just spot on. Absolute gem of a game.

This was so fun, I wish I found this game earlier. The story had me rolling, especially how misguided John was. It was also still scary, but I found myself laughing at him with his dialogue throughout the game.
(kinda spoiler warningjust in case) Also Eugene is such a bro. I did get to the extras after the end, but honestly I'd want Eugene to be my friend for life. Going out of his way to help his bestie escape the clutches of an expensive manchild. absolute legend.

because it's worth it

Just bought and played the game for two hours!! I absolutely love it. It is super cute, in art style AND in dialogue. Super wholesome and I've had laugh out loud moments too. I got all the endings, and I've bard-ed hard!

I don't really know what I was doing, but this was surprisingly fun! I loved the customization options and the overall aesthetic. my highest scores (in the order of 4x4, 6x6, 8x8) are 90%, 86%, 84%. This was just super fun, even if I didn't fully understand ahaha.

I fell in love with Hayasaka after she started speaking, what. She's talkative, abrasive (in a good way), and really fashion-oriented. I would really get along with her! (also saying she/her because that's what the mc refers to her as) 

this game was so emotional i almost cried when no one would give me a handshake. Very cool game! I loved how.. strange it was!!!

This is so cute and funny! I only got one ending so far (and trying to get past the last car in the bonus room), but I definitely want to replay and find any secrets I missed, along with the other ending. I love the character designs and story! The ending was really funny, but... the risk was worth it!

This was really entertaining! I liked being able to run away, turn around and just shoot the monsters dead. I did keep missing my jumps, but after a few tries I nailed it! I really like the atmosphere and the graphics are gorgeous! Splendid game.

oh my god I'm so obsessed with this. The art and awhhsdhsj Kobeni and Denji XD I love that Kobeni is crying while busting moves. I really freaking love this game. Excited to see more developments and songs!

I played this about two years ago but now I played it again to get all the endings! Still super fun.

level 9 dogs are.. a whole new breed, huh. extreme ethical dilemmas are present in this one! pawfect game :)

Played the entire game and got every ending/CG! This was so cute holy crap. I literally fell in love with everyone. I love headstrong main characters that take initiative! This was so refreshing. Definitely one of my favourites of the year.

I like this so far! The music is chill and mellow, the art is so pretty (including the bedroom background :0), and I like how within the brief few minutes of gameplay we get, we still get a feel for the characters. I'm excited to see progress on this game, because so far it's looking really good :D

I'm gonna start begging my mom to get this for me, don't you worry >:) I need to see Olive's cutie patootie face again hahaha. I love this series with all my heart :P

No sorry :( That's still a mystery to me. But if you convert it into a PDF and put it in Google drive, it has a cool picture of DARK winking and the numbers 3141 :D I don't know what it means at all lol

I installed this game last year and played it briefly, but today I came back to it and finished it! There were so many moments where I actually felt tears in my eyes because I got so emotionally attached to the characters haha. The graphics, story, fight sequences, sound design, everything is just to die for. I'm seriously obsessed with this and I'm really looking forward to updates in the future. This story is really incredible.

I'm five years late, but I loved this game! I adore it when games take place during the Prohibition, because it showcases a different style of life and all sorts of cool slang. Getting all the endings took a little while, but it was so worth it. Some endings almost had me crying - of either joy or sadness, I should add. The personality dynamics between the characters were so well written, and I swear I'm in love with Viv haha! Incredible game :D

This game was really incredible. First of all, the art?! Absolutely gorgeous! The sound design and music were perfect for this entire game. The characters and especially the MC felt so real. I really felt the anxiety and lack of acceptance. I loved how we were able to discover things on our own and later on realize that everything is okay. This game is amazing.

Such a cute game! I loved the fluff and the soft artstyle is so comforting. the colours, aesthetic, and the sound design were great. This was a really sweet and comforting game, and I'm super exciting to see more from it.

This was a really cool game! The graphics were stunning, and I loved looking at the trees in the background while running. The puzzles weren't extremely difficult, and running from the wolf was thrilling (in a good way!) I liked that it was a side-scroller, since it just fit the overall aesthetic. My only complaint is that the cave is a bit too long and boring to make your way through, but that's very minor and doesn't harm the good of the game overall. The story itself was also a nice twist, as it extends on the original while maintaining its own uniqueness. Super awesome!

This was really cool! I liked the style of the art and game, and the story was interesting. Really awesome :D

Ah yes! I installed using the itch app, so it took the original release. I loaded my saves into the patched one and saw the ending. I rated your game, too! It was a really enjoyable play :D