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(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and the comments… about your suggestions (and by all means, comment, suggest and rant on anything… that’s the full point of having feedback from ppl actually playing the game!):

  • The recharging was a last minute idea that I expected to add to the challenge but I think it ended up not bringing in that much (and bugged as hell in some of the mirrors without an apparent reason :/) It’s something I need to revisit for post-jam version

  • Jump needs some easing, you are totally right in button pressing sequencing… i need to give it some berth for a few frames so you can actually revert order if it’s close enough so responsiveness feels much better. Also a mid-level soft-landing is in my to-do list of jump finetunnings

And I will add to the list of things to fix the blasted ladders, that are the biggest nest of bugs in the game :P

Let’s see if I can fix all that in the following weeks