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Nice game concept and I think it works well for the resolution. I had fun playing it but got confused a few times by the shapes changing into different shapes when I moved them around. Overall, a success, well done!


Was it the rotation that was throwing you off? I had some troubles getting that to work properly and it might not be perfect.

(1 edit)

I just went back and checked to make sure I wasn't imagining it. Sometimes the shapes change while you move them around. I had a shape that was a column of 4 and a column of 2. After moving it around a little, it became a single column  of 4. It threw me a few times on my first play through (but ultimately makes the game easier because the shapes always seem to simplify). Hope that helps!


Interesting, I haven't seen that before. If you or someone else were able to record it happening, that'd be super helpful in helping me to fix it.

I think what was happening is that I was losing a life without noticing and the current piece was getting swapped out for a new piece.