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Amazing! When I think I've already seen all the good Jam entries I find this :)

Good take on theme and fun gameplay!

I feel dificulty might be a bit too high  for first waves but maybe I'm just bad.

I feel enemies also drop so mush loot it might be dificult to find something good and items fill the screen fast.
When I finish wave I don't have much time to pick up all the gold before buying more guys promt pops. Feels like I could waste my chance getting all guys I should afford even if I played well in defending.

Thanks for the feedback! The difficulty is definitely something I'm fixing after the rating period. I can't get past wave 4 myself, I knew it was an issue but couldn't fix it before the deadline. I'll be adjust the loot dropping too, I meant for it to be a lot less but it gets out of hand when enemies group together. Thanks again!