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Thank you for the feedback - I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the Leopold and Loveless routes.

Hmm, as  for the loveless path, well, Frederique feels what he has always felt, but with both their situations being as they are, I think things are  more emotionally heightened. He's been away for two years imagining the worst, whereas in the single route things have just been 'business as usual' for the pair. But, as I plan things at the moment, you won't be able to romance Frederique in the loveless route.

Well, Frederique's demo path is written, as is Bastien's. I am just finishing off Charlotte's route and then I can post the full demo, so you do not have long to wait now. Maybe another day or two.

I'm not sure if players will ever get to meet Francoise and Duke Claude - it will depend on how the routes progress as I am writing them, but if they do appear, they will have sprites. ^_^

Thanks for playing