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It's not Unity analytics per-se. I'm calling a PHP script on my own server.

I really appreciate your help, by the way, but I'm happy to slowly debug this on my own. If I work out what's up with it I'll post here to let others know.


Hey! Not sure if you still have this issue, I found this thread by looking for a solution myself.

I fixed the "mixed active content" error by switching to UnityWebRequest instead off the WWW class I was using. Seems the WWW thing defaulted to http regardless of what you wrote in the URL. At the same time I forced my server to only accept https, I did these at the same time so I'm not sure if the force https thing is needed. Hope it makes sense :)

(And check out my thing here if you want ;-) )

That's awesome, thanks!

(No, I never fixed it, I just switched to hosting the game on my own server. The versions don't upload analytics currently.)