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A bit of an interesting take on a puzzle game, it has some interesting execution with the time mechanics combined with the mirror and gravity bits.  Though not the craziest, it was definitely a fun experience.

Though I will say I don't see how this fits the theme of collaborate with AI.  Since obviously it's literally jsut an alternate you through the mirror, not an AI or anything.  It doesn't really feel like I'm collaborating with anything that isn't a human, that doesn't mean I discount the puzzle challenged by the mirror existing.  It definitely is interesting throughout, but it's not an AI for sure.

There's definitely some interesting twists as I said though which was fun to play through in the levels and definitely a mix up of the normal mirror puzzle games that you see quite a lot.  Especially the fact that there is a preview of what will happen when it's used is definitely a nice QoL feature.

Overall though an interesting puzzle game idea, not too much of a theme mechanic or anything but a really good game overall.