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Definitely a game where you collaborate with AI, though I don't know how intelligent it is.  It was interesting though and it does seem to have relatively clear cut instructions, though they don't work the way I'd expect.  Mainly around the pathfinding which was unfortunate.

Also there's the fact that it's really quite vague as to where you can and can't walk.  Which is a little difficult to try and plan around for sure.  It almost feels sort of like a top down game, but it's not..?  If that makes sense.

Ignoring that though it is an interesting take on the whole "lead an AI through a puzzle" sort of game.  Where instead of just programming the AI you actually are leading it through, with some relatively clear cut rules that can lead to some interesting level variety.

Though throughout the game is definitely very vague as to what certain things will do, for example buttons and their connection to doors, or doors in general (they're not very clearly doors), as well as the introduction of enemies making it sound like they just follow you.  Rather than well, exploding you.

Combine that with the enemies randomized movement and it's not the nicest.  I can understand it but it does mean that sometimes the enemies just sort of decide you lose, since you can't really stop your AI from running into them if it's battery gets too low.

I feel like what could possibly help is if maybe you learned more into the fact that the game is grid based and possibly had it be "turn based".  or something similar.  So that the enemies move on the same timer as you.  Which allows more strategy around it, as well as more strategy around the battery.

Though that would change up the game a decent amount so it may not be wroth it.  I just feel like it would aid in the battery mechanic being a bit more manageable.  Since at least in my experience there were quite a few times where I could've sworn I had enough battery, but I just barely ran out and my AI went sprinting into one of the enemies and proceeded to die because they refused to leave the charging station.

Overall though a relatively interesting concept, with some badly communicated interactions and some interesting level concepts.