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This was an interesting twist on Will you Snail, though I would say it's a little slow to move around.  It definitely fits the theme of collaborating with an AI.  Or I guess more specifically having an AI help you, but they're relatively close.

As I said though the only real issue I ran into was the slow movement speed and the fact that the jump is really short.  Which to be fair fits some of the jumps in the game.  But it did make quite a few really difficult to time rather than being hard to it, if that makes sense?

Most of the time I had to hang off a ledge or use coyote time to manage a jump.  Which could be interesting, but comboed with the fact there are no check points it makes a it a little punishing when you miss a jump to say the least.

Overall though a fun little experience with some interesting voice lines and some decent level design.