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Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't intentionally trying to make the game difficult. You forget to scroll the wheel because you have 2 other weapons since the page hinted you have 3 weapons ( I forgot the players don't always bother to read the store page before playing the game, lol).

Yes, there are some spelling errors I got. I did some optimizing after launch to reduce unused files. So I can tweak up the grammar and put into a little more light posts and slow down the battery dim to make things a little easier to move around (I forget players get curious and look around easily).

I could have testers testing the game before launch, but I didn't want to take too much time because I have other experimentation projects to test before moving on to commercial projects (which would require full hands on deck).

The "zombie" was originally going to be a zombie game, but I thought it was generic and overused and decided to use a little more creative freedom to set itself apart from other zombie-like games without taking months to do so.

My grammar is getting better, but I just need more time and effort to maintain it.

 new audio may work since I have 1000s of royalty-free stuff that I want to look at and test its potential.

My apologies if your experience was troubled, I am happy to take bits of time to reduce its difficulty.

Good stuff mate.  My comments and thoughts are never "complaints", just feedback impulses while playing that you can contemplate.  :)

Good stuff!