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Impressive animations given the constraints! I liked how heavy the character feels and how the jumps are only about timing, though it took me some time to get used to it. I didn't realize you could just wait at checkpoints to get your mirror back, I thought you had to go to the next checkpoint to get it back which made the game a bit more challenging :)

I also found a bug where I got stuck inside walls while climbing a ladder, I couldn't find a way to get back to the previous checkpoint and had to restart the game.

woops, looks like collisions pushed you all way through the walls until a “spot” without colliding tiles… could be there’s some bbox issues when checkig at some points (and i know top of a ladder is one of those messy/buggy points). The Mirrors take a few seconds to “recharge” after being activated (to prevent easy HP refilling, a bit more time after a full respawn. The intention was to increase the challenge, but yep, some patience does the trick.

Thank you for playing and sorry for the nasty bug that got you “walled”