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personal best : 4000m


- really cool intro (music ♥)

- the earth isn't rotating :3

- having the "tuto" playing again was too much

- hard to feel if you are close or in a wall (hitbox too big ?)

- text when you need to move is hard to read

- no sound FX ? :3

- I don't really understand why Jeff is doing xD

I'll keep it on my computer to finish it later :D


Thanks a lot for your feedback, Its very useful! ^^

I'm very happy you liked the Music :3

Many of the things you mentioned are basically just there because of the time limit. There just wasn't enough time left to make sfx and implement functions like skipping the tutorial. And animating a rotating earth would porbably take me like 1 day alone haaha.

As for Jeff, Soooo Jeff is controlling the speed at which you drive, while You only need to move left and right. I know it's not as creative as some other games here, but I really couldn't come up with anything else.. ;-;

But in the end, if you had fun, that makes me happy, so thanks for playing! :P

Yes, time limit is quite challenging. Anyway, you've done great ♥

One of my favorites from this jam so far :D