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  • graphics look nice
  • given the ‘only move right’ it would have been nice to have the player not centered, but somewhat left of center on the screen
  • the weapon was click rate dependent (faster you clicked, the faster you shot)
  • there was no reason not to spam the attack button, which basically made the levels into simple run and jumps until the end
  • the end line bounces you back - sometimes far enough that e doesn’t work - you have to ‘press’ into the end line while pressing e to end the level
  • some enemies have to be shot off screen (next to edge of pit, can’t see until you have already started jumping the pit)
  • not quite sure how the robot killing you in the end is working with AI…

Thanks for the feedback, now I will answer everything you found:

-Thanks, I made the graphics myself

-True, the player should have been a bit more at the left

-I know the weapon was click rate dependent and I didn't have enough time to fix it

-True, but if you spam there is no fun in it :(

-You do not have to press [E] when reaching the endline, you just have to touch it, and when it pushes you back its because you have collided        with it, it will show the "LevelCompleted" thing and wait 5 seconds to load to the other one

-I made it on purpose, so if you jump and the enemy is at the edge, you will die, you can respawn and remember that there was an enemy right    there so you have to shoot from the platform before

-It is in the theme "Collaborating With AI" since you help the AI (The Robot), so you are working with AI (The Robot), at the end it kills you as a    plot twist and it tells you to not trust AI or robots too much, and then you can restart