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OMG I love this game soooo much!!! Just from replaying the Demo over and over and over and over and over and... well you get the point! I can't wait till the game is finish and throw my money at you! ( In a really good and non offensive way )

PS. I manage to get the 2nd and 3rd to help me but can I get the 1st to help ?? If yes then how? That was the only thing I couldn't figured out.

Thank you! :D Glad you enjoyed the demo so much!

To get the 1st to help you, you need bring his Light & Wood magic to 30+ and his affection up. The safest way to ensure his affection is high enough is to interact with him during the Intro choice (where you choose who to interact with). Then pass the Charisma (20+) check in Week 7 and also finish the mission "Heavenly Beauty"! :D

Thank you!!! So much!! It was sooooo worth it!

Yay! Glad you enjoyed! :D