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(2 edits)

There's a boob patch now???  XD

Edit: Okay, I have to agree with Japanese Catgirl Lover here. The patched game doesn't make any sense as it is clear that the characters aren't supposed to be that smoll. I would suggest others to stick with the big bewb version as the canon version as that makes much more sense storywise and the other as an "alternate" version XD

Personally I would drop the "patched" version before Patreon gets wind of it. They don't have much tollerance with that kind of content, even when provided on other websites. Unless of course the developer states they have no "official" connections with said patch (wink wink).

But it's your game, so I have no say over what you want to provide the people with and it's not up to me in the end. Just wanted to share my thoughts... do what you want, I'm fine either way XD

Yeah it's getting an overhaul. Went overboard with it.