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Absolutely loved the visuals in this game. The animations were really nice and the way that the intro swooped in with the platformer on the in game computer screen was super cool. I also appreciate the view change button though because it was a bit harder to see with the 3D view.

I had a bug (or maybe just a me not understanding things problem) where I would be trying to shoot down the enemies but the bullets just wouldn't come. Maybe there's a cool-down there that I wasn't aware of? 

My only other criticism would be I had some wonky collision issues, but I also made a platformer in Unity and my game had the exact same issue, so I'm starting to think it's just a general Unity problem.

Overall though I loved this! Great job!

thanks for playing, I’m happy you enjoyed it. The firing mechanism has a 0.8-sec cooldown to avoid bullet spamming.

yes the collision was a little wonky after build ,but seemed to run fine in unity editor. seems like its a bug in unity’s rigidbody