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You and I definitely have a similar sense of humor! Loved everything about it. Incredibly well polished experience from start to finish.  It would have been nice to have more variety in widgets and what you have to do to degrade them, but it probably would have taken away from how polished this game turned out to be! Thanks for such a fun and great entry!

Oh, I definitely wanted those things. I wanted users to be banging the widgets against the table and other widgets and walls, and that does work to some effect but strangely not consistently. I wanted a variety of widgets that had secondary objects on them where you had to hold them in one hand and dislodge or twist connected objects with the other. I wanted a power-drill to unscrew and access panels to tweak settings and circuit boards. The whole nine yards. So you see where I was going with it, and I appreciate that you appreciated it. Much appreciated!