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Interesting RPG maker game, the story and characters seem to be interesting and it has a really good main menu screen.

Sadly it has too much typos/Grammar mistakes that are hard to overlook and diminish the plot a little, I personally feel it is too slow in some parts and there is also that black screen bug at the end that I didn't read until I was already finished playing (But that was my fault, I guess).

It is nice that it has multiple endings and the scenes for saving your friends with a timer are really good, feels like playing a movie sometimes.

Keep the good work!



Thank you for your playing!

I apologize for the grammar my english is not good, But I will try harder in next project.

For black screen bug, I already fixed it and reupload, You will  found new link in my description pages, Because I can't reupload to itch until game jam event was ended.

Your feedback is very valuable to me :)

Thank you again.