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(1 edit)

Egg Peril [DEMO]

First Impression: what is this choice of color in the store page (idk let’s get to the review). Where is my cursor? Oh, you can navigate with keys. Cool! oops I click on the control and couldn’t close it. Alt+F4 Second try: I tried the credit button and guess that happened next? Meanwhile I looked at the main menu sprites and damn that crow or Dino idk vibing to the music and nearly sink, I realized why the dev could not finished the game in time. Third try: I hit the play the art looks good other than ground, and I have no idea how to reach the other part, Ok I find out I cannot play with my controller because when I hit the space I can throw stuff, but I have no idea where and guess what it doesn’t respawn you only have one chance so Alt+F4. ok after probably 20 death I find out actually how the to play the games, going for real attempts , find the kind of boss fight figure cool and unique game over screen! I realized I should bring that thing to throw it. Several attempts later… I finally hit the boss but nothing happened… after a few more attempts so this a roguelike game, low health, nearly instant death, holding space entire time to bring it to the boss, nearly impossible collectible, and I still don’t know how to defeat the boss. After few more hours I somehow can see chances of collecting all the collectible but it’s really hard to collect all and beat the boss (I don’t even know if it’s beatable or not) then again if you managed to collect all the thing but couldn’t beat the boss you don’t get a second chance because the throwable don’t respawn so you need to start playing from start!

Good Points: 

 + navigate with keys

+ unique game over screen

Overall: paying too much attention to small detail and not the necessary parts made was the huge problem that made this game missed the chance of being completed in time. The game is too hard one the fact that you need to hold space the entire time is make this game super tough. Art style is eh…. Kind of unfinished because it’s demo but overall, it has good art style in those parts that developer took her time. gameplay was ok, I really didn’t have fun playing it at first but it was more torable when I find out how the game works, I could enjoy it if the difficulty was a bit lower, maybe more health. I think 6.5- 7 is pretty good mark for this.

(3 edits) (+1)

You don't need to hold the space, only to throw things which in this case isn't used for anything rn and you can glide in the game by holding the up button or the w button it says it on the controls section, seems you didn't see the controls that well or that you confused them. Secondly you can exit from the controls just by simply pressing space or enter,you don't need the mouse for anything.I thought the game was quite easy.At first i wanted to implement controller support but i didn't have much time


but you definitely need to add it as feature or puzzle like levels I don't know why I'm going crazy thinking about it maybe we should team up and do something? I don't know you decide and let me know if you want to work on this for a few days after jam with me or not
