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Looks way better than what I played in the jam, but it is now difficult to see enemies after hitting them once (when they turn black), especially on darker sides of the die. Not sure how you have the lighting set up, but it may be caused by the direction/intensity of the lights on some faces.

Enemy spawn rate vs gun fire rate feels unbalanced, maybe tone down the rates on the sides with more pips or just increase the base fire rates. Love the powerups, I just think the basic weapon needs better juice.

I'd like more player involvement in the dice rolling, as is it feels very random. I don't think it needs to be entirely player controlled but maybe if it were more tied to killing enemies, or at least had an on screen timer of some sort to let you know when it will rotate.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

The lighting uses a directional rotating light that increases in intensity when it is facing down (sort of like noon) and a blue/gray-ish point light that always rotates over the cube but has its intensity being inversely proportional to the first directional one. I plan on making enemies more on the red side, and flickering when hit also, but after I changed to URP I had some problem using transparency + shadows. I got so used to the way the game worked that I didn't notice enemies became harder to see.

I'm still trying to find some balance in spawning, the idea is that 6 will always be harder than 1, but it ends up with 6 kinda insane as you are forced to run away and 1 most of the time spawns an item and you gotta wait. About the base gun, I was planning on making it double once you upgraded it, as if dual-wielding (and perhaps adding a third one that would be like a drone shooting from above the player's head!).

I planned on adding a timer effect that warned the player the last 3 seconds before die rolls, with simple clock ticks. Currently it rolls every 8 seconds after player steps on a side, what do you think of a special enemy spawn that once killed activates the roll (with a 3 second timer)?


Guns akimbo would be pretty cool haha!

A particular enemy triggering the roll would be neat to explore. Or maybe "kill the number of enemies equal to the rolled side". Or you could leave it on the existing timer with a visible indicator, and just give the player some extra incentives like a particular enemy that when killed will make the next face have a powerup (or going back to the number idea, if you kill the right number of enemies on a given side it makes the next side have a powerup / modifier)