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(1 edit)

thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!

I have a list of things to polish up based on players feedback and have added yours!! I appreciate it more than you know! I have added a pause function to the timer when the tray is opened/closed.

The bust art was more of a stock bundle so I know I have to tweak it a bit; but for the level of my artistic skills, and the quality of the art itself... I would need more time then the jam had to really match the original style and do it justice if I edit it myself lol.

 I do ask, I have the message speed option in setting, but I understand the need to adjust it more? I would like very much to hear more on an idea of how to do this as I am a parent of a child with dyslexia so totally understand the need for being more inclusive for different levels and abilities. You are not the first to comment on text speed so I have it started in my notes!!

I am open to all suggestions, feedback and criticism!!